G4S is the largest security company in the world and has profited for decades by its complicity in the Israeli illegal occupation of Palestinian Territories through practices that are in violation of international law, child rights treaties and multiple United Nations Resolutions.

In 2016 G4S sold most of its Israeli operated businesses as a result of pressure from BDS campaigns internationally. However, the company still jointly operates Policity, Israel’s largest police training centre which trains Israeli police predominantly in East Jerusalem based settlements, which are illegal under international law.

Support Palestinian rights and freedom
Tell your state MPs not to contract G4S in Australia 


G4S police training includes crowd tcontrol, house raids, interrogation techniques, target shooting and undercover operations, all of which are  used exclusively by police against Palestinians in East Jerusalem and in Israel.

  1. Ill treatment and torture of Palestinian children occurs in interrogation and detention centres by Israeli police and IDF forces, which rely on G4S equipment and personnel to maintain.
  2. Israeli police support Israel’s system of apartheid through their role of advancing Israel’s illegal annexation of East Jerusalem, through their role in the demolition of Palestinian homes and evictions of Palestinian residents from their homes.
  3. Police play an active role in the arrest and imprisonment of Palestinians without due process, torture, and extrajudicial executions
  4. Checkpoints G4S previously provided scanning machines and full body scanner equipment for Israeli checkpoints in Occupied Palestine for many years . The Mughrabi Gate in Jerusalem is currently operated by G4S.
  5. Illegal settlements It is widely accepted under international law that the settlements in the territories are illegal. G4S is in partnership with the Israeli settlement construction company Shikun & Binui.
  6. International law violations Palestinian prisoners, including children are routinely transferred from the West Bank to G4S-serviced prisons and detention facilities in Israel, in breach of Articles 49 and 76 of the 4th Geneva Convention. Prisoners can be held indefinitely, without trial through a process called administrative detention.


Support Palestinian rights and freedom
Tell your state MPs not to contract G4S in Australia

In Australia and New Zealand G4S specialises in the delivery of Custodial Management Services for adult & youth justice, Police Support Services, Prisoner Transport, Court Management, Electronic Monitoring of offenders and Health Care Services, Security services, Electronic Security Systems and Surveillance and Investigation services and International Logistics.

G4S Australia key contracts 2018G4S_logo_web

DROP G4S CAMPAIGN strongly urges Australian businesses and local, state & federal government authorities to:

  • RECOGNISE that G4S is involved in business activities which support and extend the illegal Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories, making G4S complicit in Israel’s violations of United Nations Resolutions and international law;
  • ENSURE that your organisation’s corporate social responsibility (CSRI) principles are not compromised by rewarding G4S’s complicity in human rights abuses ; and
  • ACT to ensure that no new contracts or renewal of any existing contracts be signed with G4S whilst this company is complicit in Israeli breaches of international law, so long as refusing to enter such contracts would not be in breach of any relevant local or national legislation.


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