Israel produces dates on stolen Palestinian lands which are occupied by illegal settlements.
Take Action
Before buying dates:
– Check the country of origin on the package.
– Check the barcode. Avoid any products with a barcode beginning with 729.
– Ask the shopkeeper/manager to confirm the country of origin. Let them know that you will no longer buy dates from Israel.
– If only Israeli dates are available, ask the shopkeeper/manager to inform suppliers that you want to buy dates from an alternate source.
– Share the hashtag – #ChecktheDate
– Contact us with any information on outlets selling Israeli dates – [email protected]
– Download BDS AUSTRALIA’S 2025 Boycott flier
Boycott any date brands marketed by Hadiklaim including:
Jordan River
King Solomon
Boycott any date brands produced by Agrexco including:
King Medjoul
Boycott any dates produced by Medjool Plus
For a complete list of dates to boycott, check our flier.
Many dates sold in Australian supermarkets and grocery stores are grown in Israeli settlements which are illegal according to international law as they are located on Israeli Occupied Palestinian land.[1]
Dates are an important part of Israel’s economy, producing over half of the world’s leading varietal the Medjool date. Israeli exporters are using their profits to support these illegal settlements that help entrench the brutal, military occupation and colonisation of Palestine.
Additionally, Israel has maintained control of Palestine’s water resources since 1948, leaving Palestinians with insufficient water for their individual needs or to produce food for their own economy.
Help end this situation by boycotting Israeli dates
The Israeli date industry is highly exploitative of Palestinian workers, including using child labour. The Human Rights Watch Report (2015) documents children as young as 13 being exploited in the Israeli settlement agricultural industry. These children are paid very low wages and all Palestinian adults and children whom Human Rights Watch interviewed, earned far less than the Israeli minimum wage. Palestinians working in agriculture in settlement enterprises are often unable to find work elsewhere as the Occupation has destroyed the Palestinian economy. The working conditions are hazardous, and workers are forced to work long hours without adequate protections and compensation.
Boycotts Work
The worldwide consumer, cultural, sporting and economic boycott, divestment and sanctions of South Africa contributed to the end of that apartheid state. In 2005, Palestinian civil society called for Boycott Divestment and Sanctions to assist Palestinian people to also achieve freedom and justice.
The boycott of Israeli dates is already working and is sending a strong message to Israel’s government that its conduct will result in economic losses. According to the US Department of Agriculture, 10.7 million kg of Israeli dates entered the US market in 2015-2016. Following campaigns by American BDS activists only 3.1 million kg entered the US in 2017-2018.
Please join the growing international BDS movement to help end Israel’s occupation of Palestine.
BDS Australia invites you to join the #CheckTheDate campaign.
Palestinian dates available for purchase in Australia
Brands: Al-Rowad, Sultan, Qitaf & Yolo (NZ)
In addition you can purchase non-Israeli dates from Jordan,USA and elsewhere
Hescham Coffee
Al Aseel Food Services
Baba G Wholesale Sydney
NSW https://www.facebook.com/5StarsRoaster/
VIC https://www.basfoods.com.au/
SA https://www.facebook.com/Kurdish-continental-bakery-588502844626234/
Qld https://www.facebook.com/Banana-George-Fruit-Barn-424228821117039/
WA H Importer Plus Trading Unit
ACT www.anatoliamarket.com.au and https://mawsonhalalmarket.com.au/
If you are selling non Israeli dates – download this poster to display this information in your business.
Contact us with any information on outlets selling Israeli dates – [email protected]
[1] UN Resolution 2334 (2016) clearly states that the establishment by Israel of settlements in the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, has no legal validity and constitutes a flagrant violation under international law and a major obstacle to the achievement of the two-State solution and a just, lasting and comprehensive peace. The Resolution demands that Israel immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem, and that it fully respects all of its legal obligations in this regard.