Caltex and Puma service stations are owned by the US corporation Chevron. Chevron runs natural gas extraction and pipelines off the shore of Palestine/Israel, making it a major partner in Israeli energy apartheid, the military blockade on Gaza, and the illegal exploitation of Palestinian land and resources. Chevron are a global BDS target. Don’t fill up at Caltex or Puma service stations.
Shopping at Caltex and Puma service stations supports Chevron, the main extractor of fossil fuels claimed by Israel in the Eastern Mediterranean. Chevron provides Israel billions of dollars in revenues from payments for its gas extraction licences, money which finances Israel’s war chest and its regime of apartheid, settler colonialism and military occupation over the Palestinian people. Chevron also supports Israel’s lobbying efforts for the construction of the Eastmed Pipeline, a massive, EU sponsored fossil fuel infrastructure project that would exacerbate the climate crisis and whose feasibility is widely contested.
With its extraction activities, Chevron is also complicit in apartheid Israel’s practice of depriving the Palestinian people of control over their natural resources, including through the illegal siege of Gaza and blockade of Gaza’s sea, which Israel imposes by brutal and deadly force. Chevron is also implicated in Israel’s illegal transfer of extracted gas to Egypt through a pipeline illegally crossing the Palestinian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) in Gaza, depriving Palestinians of millions in transit fees.
The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), who leads the global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement has called for divestment from Chevron since 2022. In January 2024 they escalated the campaign with a call for a consumer boycott. The BNC are asking supporters of Palestinian rights and climate justice to escalate pressure on Chevron by boycotting service stations owned by Chevron, including Puma and Caltex. There are thousands of Chevron, Puma, and Caltex service and petrol stations worldwide.
During the struggle against apartheid in South Africa, a movement to boycott Shell oil for its complicity in apartheid gained worldwide momentum, with supporters taking part in service station pickets and major divestment campaigns from the fossil fuel company. Inspired by the South African liberation struggle, the Palestinian-led BDS movement aims to build pressure on Chevron until it no longer conducts business that gravely violates Palestinian human rights and benefits Israel’s genocidal apartheid regime.
Chevron proclaims their commitment to human rights and sustainability but their actions show otherwise. It is high time to join forces with Indigenous sovereignty and climate justice movements to hold these corporations accountable for business that violates the human rights of Palestinians and contributes to the global climate crisis.
Successes so far
The Chevron boycott has been taken up across the globe. In March 2024 the International Alliance of App-Based Transport Workers (IAAWT), representing 100,000 app-based drivers in 20 countries, announced that they would boycott Chevron petrol stations in alignment with the call by Palestinian trade unions. The AFSC has a major boycott campaign in the US and the call for action has also been taken up by unions, climate activists and Palestinian solidarity groups around the world.
Find out more
- Find out more about Chevron and the global BDS campaign: SIEMENS AND CHEVRON: STOP FUELING APARTHEID AND CLIMATE DISASTER
- Updates on the campaign so far:
- Get the facts:
Webinars and more local material about the Caltex campaign coming soon!